In partnership with the Maine Memory Network Maine Memory Network

Postcard of the Blue Hill Fair, 1964

Contributed by Blue Hill Public Library
MMN Item 33877 Item Details
Postcard of the Blue Hill Fair, 1964
MMN Item 33877 Zoom


A postcard with photograph of the Blue Hill Fair, showing booths and carnival rides, with Blue Hill Mountain in the background. On the front is printed, "The Blue Hill Fair - Labor Day - 1964" On the back is printed, "The Blue Hill Fair, Blue Hill. Maine, Always Labor Day Weekend, A Truly Down to Earth Country Fair with all the Traditions of the Past and the Glamour of the Future." A label is glued to the card at the bottom, which has printed on it, --1965 Dates--, Opening Friday Evening, Sept 3, Running Thru, Sept. 4-5-and Labor Day, 4 Nights--3 Days. Printed vertically up the middle of the card is printed, "Photo Cards--Kaeser & Blair, Cincinnati, Ohio 5-65."

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